From broadcast studios, to conference halls, to subways, streets, and park benches... Rich Homeres and Bobbi Hamlyn have traveled across our country for years, meeting and interviewing people of all walks of life! With a heart for uniting people in the joy and oneness we have in Christ, they strive to share stories far and wide, to encourage, inform, and point listeners to our Savior.
Sunday Apr 04, 2021
Sunday Apr 04, 2021
Our guest is Will Graham-yes, the grandson of Billy Graham and the oldest son of Franklin Graham-the third generation of Grahams to proclaim the Gospel under the banner of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association! In 2018, Will wrote his first book, “Redeemed: Devotions for a Longing Soul,” published by Thomas Nelson. It features stories centered on the life-changing power of a relationship with God. We visited with Will about his exciting story of his ministry and his book!
Sunday Mar 28, 2021
Sunday Mar 28, 2021
This is Holy or Passion Week! With us to talk about the significance of this week and to clarify the meaning of the days leading up to Resurrection Sunday is Pastor Joe Jacowitz. He is the president of FirstLove Ministries, and the pastor of Christ Bible Church in Pleasanton, CA.
Sunday Mar 21, 2021
Sunday Mar 21, 2021
We’re continuing our visit with Arne Brillinger. Now, Arne has a very unique ministry that’s a witness to everyone around him wherever he goes--he attaches signs to his wheelchair! So, out he goes each day on his self-powered wheelchair, declaring his faith in Christ to all who come his way!
Sunday Mar 14, 2021
Sunday Mar 14, 2021
Today we’re visiting with a very inspirational person who, in spite of being confined to a wheelchair, shares about his unique way of being a witness for Christ wherever he goes! He’s Arne Brillinger, and we caught up with Arne just outside of a grocery store…
Sunday Mar 07, 2021
Sunday Mar 07, 2021
We’re continuing our visit with Lee Webb as he shares about the journey God has led him on, from secular “training” to full-time ministry; and about our fight against human nature to fully focus on the Lord! Lee is the host of the program, “Renewing Your Mind,” of Ligonier Ministries, founded by Dr. R.C. Sproul.
Sunday Feb 28, 2021
Sunday Feb 28, 2021
Meet Lee Webb - his voice is well-recognized as the announcer on the popular program, “Renewing Your Mind,” an outreach of Ligonier Ministries that was founded by the late Dr. R.C. Sproul. He’s also the VP of Broadcasting for the ministry. He shares how the Lord worked in his own life through this ministry, and then opened the door for him to join Dr. Sproul in serving there!
Sunday Feb 21, 2021
Sunday Feb 21, 2021
We’re talking with Pastor Joe Jacowitz, the president of FirstLove Ministries, and the pastor of Christ Bible Church in Pleasanton, CA. Our topic is clarifying the specific meaning of the Gospel.
Sunday Feb 14, 2021
Sunday Feb 14, 2021
We’re visiting by phone with Dr. Mel Mulder, medical surgeon, author, and host of the program, “Beyond Intelligent Design.” His program is a science and creation feature designed to show that the Bible is accurate and that it is our only source of truth, aiding in one’s discovery of science and the Bible.
Sunday Feb 07, 2021
Sunday Feb 07, 2021
Meet Bob Butts! He’s the Chief Operating Officer for “Truth For Life - The Bible Teaching Ministry of Alistair Begg.” Bob tells the amazing story of how God answered the prayer of the elders of a local church, brought in a young man to help, and took their message worldwide!
Sunday Jan 31, 2021
Sunday Jan 31, 2021
We’re visiting with Australian biblical apologist Ken Ham, whose ministry, “Answers in Genesis,” also includes a highly acclaimed Creation Museum, and the Ark Encounter, a full-size replica of Noah’s Ark! He passionately explains with simplicity and clarity what “apologetics” is, and why it’s crucial for everyone to study it!