From broadcast studios, to conference halls, to subways, streets, and park benches... Rich Homeres and Bobbi Hamlyn have traveled across our country for years, meeting and interviewing people of all walks of life! With a heart for uniting people in the joy and oneness we have in Christ, they strive to share stories far and wide, to encourage, inform, and point listeners to our Savior.
Sunday Jul 05, 2020
Sunday Jul 05, 2020
Today we begin an extraordinary story of a young Brooklyn Jewish boy who grew up right next to the boardwalk on Coney Island, in New York, and how the Lord changed his heart to follow Yeshua (Jesus) as his Lord and Savior! He’s Pastor Joe Jacowitz, the president and founder of First Love Ministries, and the pastor of Christ Bible Church.
Sunday Jun 28, 2020
Sunday Jun 28, 2020
We’re continuing our visit with Brother Stephen who’s preparing to go into full-time ministry as a pastor. In our concluding talk with him, he shares about the powerful influence that his dad had on his life, and how it indirectly took him on an eye-opening mission trip to the Philippines!
Sunday Jun 21, 2020
Sunday Jun 21, 2020
We’re visiting with the infectious Brother Stephen, who draws from his experiences, sharing from his heart the wonder and kinship he felt when traveling overseas for the first time, with a missions group! He is preparing to go into full-time ministry as a pastor.
Sunday Jun 14, 2020
Sunday Jun 14, 2020
Leigh Prater, our guest on our podcast, shares about serving the Lord as a dad with a houseful of kids, a pastor ministering to a congregation, and a missionary visiting various countries throughout the world! He serves as an associate pastor at Beth-El Baptist Church in Morgan Hill, CA.
Sunday Jun 07, 2020
Sunday Jun 07, 2020
In our concluding talk with Hans Shapp, he shares more about his adventures as he goes across the highways and byways of life in different lands to share the Gospel wherever he can- even back to those discos he once frequented!
Sunday May 31, 2020
Sunday May 31, 2020
We’ve been visiting with Hans Shapp, who’s been sharing with us how he came out of East Germany during a time when barriers of barbed wire and concrete walls blocked off the West, to what he thought was freedom. But it wasn’t until he was introduced to Jesus that his life really changed-including becoming a smuggler!
Sunday May 24, 2020
Sunday May 24, 2020
On our last podcast, Hans Shapp told of his life growing up behind the wall in East Germany during the 60's & 70's under communist rule, and then of suddenly being deported to the West! It was like a child having free run in a candy shop - neon lights glowing in the night skies, music blaring from the discotheques, drugs and alcohol. Did these bring Hans happiness, peace, and true freedom?
Sunday May 17, 2020
Sunday May 17, 2020
During the night of August 13, 1961, the East German government closed off the border from the West. Hans Shapp grew up in East Germany during this time and tells his story of suddenly being cut off from the West and living behind the wall. But did he find real truth and freedom when he reached the other side?
Sunday May 10, 2020
Sunday May 10, 2020
Pastor Orlicky shares on our podcast how he was an ironworker in construction, and at first, had no desire to be a pastor or to marry a pastor’s daughter. Tune in and hear how God changed his heart on both accounts – and how God only has a Plan A!
Sunday May 03, 2020
Sunday May 03, 2020
God took him from the field of biotechnology as a doctor in chemistry to the ministry, and has stretched his journey to the Philippines and to Nepal, changing him forever! He’s Dr. Paul Nelson, associate pastor at Sovereign Grace Baptist Church of Silicon Valley, in Morgan Hill, CA.