From broadcast studios, to conference halls, to subways, streets, and park benches... Rich Homeres and Bobbi Hamlyn have traveled across our country for years, meeting and interviewing people of all walks of life! With a heart for uniting people in the joy and oneness we have in Christ, they strive to share stories far and wide, to encourage, inform, and point listeners to our Savior.
Sunday Dec 10, 2023
Sunday Dec 10, 2023
We’re visiting with Adam Albright, who shares how he’s taking the Gospel out into the highways and byways of life-literally! He has an interesting background as a former professional cage fighter - now, he’s fighting for the Lord!
Sunday Dec 03, 2023
Sunday Dec 03, 2023
We’re talking with Pastor Joe Jacowitz, the president of First Love Ministries, and the pastor of Christ Bible Church in Pleasanton, CA. We’re continuing our look at what the Bible has to say about God’s love, and His most precious gift to His children!
Sunday Nov 26, 2023
Sunday Nov 26, 2023
We’re looking at the topic “God’s Love” with Bible Teacher and Pastor, Joe Jacowitz. Pastor Jacowitz is the president of First Love Ministries, and the pastor of Christ Bible Church in Pleasanton, CA.
Sunday Nov 19, 2023
Sunday Nov 19, 2023
To help us to reflect upon Thanksgiving, particularly as children of God, we’ve called upon the great communicator and Bible teacher, Pastor Joe Jacowitz of Christ Bible Church in Pleasanton, CA, to share his thoughts with us!
Sunday Nov 12, 2023
Sunday Nov 12, 2023
We’re concluding our visit with Clare Effiong, who’s been sharing how the Lord led her away from working in the diplomat corps to a clear calling to help in Rwanda, where a horrific genocide had left hundreds of thousands of children without parents, roaming the streets. Hear her passion for answering a calling, God’s faithfulness when we say yes, and one amazing example of the difference it makes!
Sunday Nov 05, 2023
Sunday Nov 05, 2023
We’re continuing our visit with Clare Effiong. She was a former worker in the diplomat corps for Nigeria in New York City. She told how she left her position there to follow in faith God’s call to help the orphan children of Rwanda! The horrific genocide had devastated the country, leaving hundreds of thousands of children homeless, without parents, roaming the streets.
Sunday Oct 29, 2023
Sunday Oct 29, 2023
We'd like to introduce you to a valiant servant of the Lord’s-she's Clare Effiong. She came to the United States as a diplomat for the Nigerian consulate in New York City. She tells of her amazing journey, seeking the Lord’s true calling on her life, and how He led her to a completely different part of the world that was crying out for help!
Sunday Oct 22, 2023
Sunday Oct 22, 2023
We're continuing our visit with Pastor Murungi Igweta from Kenya, the pastor of Trinity Baptist Church in Nairobi, Kenya. In our concluding visit with him, he talks about some of the differences he's found between declaring your faith as a Christian in his country, and in the United States; as well as, where - and how - to find Truth!
Sunday Oct 15, 2023
Sunday Oct 15, 2023
We're visiting today with Pastor Murungi Igweta from Kenya - pastor of Trinity Baptist Church in Nairobi, Kenya. We caught up with him on his visit to the United States, and he shares his interesting observations about shining the Light!
Sunday Oct 08, 2023
Sunday Oct 08, 2023
We're continuing our visit with Patrick Hudson. On our last program, he described how he was living a life of denial, walking in sin even though he was a church member. He shares here how he sought help and counseling through Pure Life Ministries, and what the Lord had in store for him!